Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

My Handsome Valentine's dates minus 1 !
To my Aiden! What I love most about you is your sweet and sensitive nature. Your usually very understanding to your brother and love to help with your baby brother! I love how much you have learned without me even realizing. How much you can spell and write and understand puzzle books and things! I LOVE your cuddles and when you say "I love you mom, your the best!"

Tristen, I love that mischievious smile and that everyone thinks you look far to innocent to ever get into trouble. I love that you light up at the sight of any type of sporting equipment and you are soo good at all the sports already! I love that you snuggle with me every morning and after every nap! and I really love when you say " I love you mama!"

Our smiley Rylie bear! It's true, I love that you smile at anyone and everything! I love that you laugh when my hair tickles your nose and when I blow raspberries on your neck. You are the cutest, chubbiest, fun loving baby in the world and I am so lucky to have your sunny personality!
I love these boys! They light up my life:)

1 comment:

matt&ruth said...

So sweet! I love them all in their red shirts :) And it is crazy how much Tristen is looking like Aiden! Hope your first Valentine's Day in your new home was a great one!