Friday, September 03, 2010

Rylen Kade Froese!

So so excited he is finally here! We have come to the conclusion that we only know how to make one flavor babies :) But boy (no pun intended) do we think he is sweet!
In true blogging fashion a disclaimer for below and the awaited (for some) labor story:
On Friday morning I had another dr's appt. Feeling pretty discouraged and wanting the baby to come so bad before my cousin Rosanna left, I didn't feel very hopeful when the dr. started discussing inducing me 10 days later. She asked if she should sweep my membranes one more time and I said sure, third times a charm right? Really not thinking it would work at all and not getting my hopes up! Enjoyed a trip to Old Navy after my appt and then a delicious lunch! Started having a couple of contractions around noon. They kept up until the later evening, but never getting closer and not really increasing in intensity so I didn't really think anything was happening. At around 10pm I told Jeff well they are still coming maybe we should have taken the kids to my mom's instead of waiting to call her in the night if something happens. We decided to wrap them in blankets and take them over. I still wasn't thinking this was really it. I came home and promptly went to bed trying to rest as much as possible. Woke up at 1am and thought wow they are still pretty far apart but kind of getting more uncomfortable. I decided to have a bath thinking I refuse to be sent home like I was with Tristen after having a bath at the hospital and the contractions stopping. I started to get really really uncomfortable. Received a funny text from Rose who was at a friends and told her to go to bed I think I'm still ok. In half an hour I changed my tune and texted her back that we were on our way, woke Jeff and met her at the hospital. Now this is were the story takes a turn for the worse. I was very adament that I want to be there in time to have my epidural, I do not have a high pain tolerance and would NEVER choose to opt drug free! Well our hospital is a learning hospital so we alway have residents until the end. I have always had a really really good experience, unfortunately not so lucky this time. The resident was convinced I was only 4 cm and the head was not down. "I thought seriously all was good this morning how is that possible, but your the dr." A nurse double checked me and said NO she is more like 6. They called a senior resident, who was also as helpful as a wet noodle and decided to send me for an ultrasound. The entire time my contractions are getting closer and closer and I am starting to get really annoyed! Well the senior resident didn't know how to run the ultrasound machine and took FOREVER to get it done. At this point my thoughts are starting to turn just a wee bit fatal toward this "dr". I am finally led to the labor and delivery room, where the nurse proceeds to waste another 15 min trying to get my IV in. The anesist (sp) is patiently waiting, I go to sit up and my water breaks... checked again 8 cm, sit up again to have the epidural and Rylen decided to late time to make my appearance. Laid back down and I was fully dialated. At this point the nurse and resident start arguing whether I can push or have to wait for my real dr. They make me wait for 20 min. (leaving out the descriptiveness of this part, but there was an abundance of tears!!) The dr finally arrives and 4 min later our precious, worth all that craziness, adorable baby boy was born. I thought he was perfect and I was once again completely awestruck at the wonder of this incredible process. God is soooo good, I will have a few words for Eve when I get to Heaven :)

I have been feeling really good, the first week is always hard. Still pretty sore, but looking forward to feeling back to normal and just getting into a routine!

Introducing the boys to their new baby brother! They were pretty excited!

Very proud big brother, Aiden has been so good to Rylen and LOVES to hold him and kiss him. Tristen is still learning that we need to be gentle around the baby and is very eager to have him in the swing so that he can be held :)

Me and my boys! I think I am in for a very "interesting" experience with all these boys but I can't wait :)

Such a good baby, super super content so far and he always surprises me when he actually cries.
Spends a lot of time doing this!

First bath at home!

Love when he's finally awake!

Story time with daddy!

So much love!

I always know that God's timing is perfect but I always worry and fret before and get so impatient, but in the end God was so good and Rylen came at the perfect time! Some peticulars:
8lbs 11 oz (same as Tristen)
21 3/4 inches long
Arrived at the hospital at 2:30am and he was born at 5:58am.
So much love to you my Ry guy!


Trev and Rebekah said...

Congrats guys!

Yvonne said...

Wow Rylen came fast! Such a handsome little guy. Really wishing I could give him some cuddles and you a hug. If only money grew on trees.

Rosanna Toews said...

I got all teary eyed reading this today... I love you. Great pictures!!!!

Sandra said...

Congratulations! I saw your updated picture on facebook, but didn't know any details. Glad to see that Rylen arrived safely. Hope it can be a smooth transition for you.

Mel said...

So happy for you guys! You'll be an amazing mom of 3.

karina said...

He is very cute of course :) Hope you are getting some rest and that your bigger boys are adjusting well.

Elissa said...

Congratulations! He's a real cutie :) I love the pictures of him having a bath... Man, if I were you in that hospital bed, fatal thoughts would have turned into fatal actions!

Ruth said...

So cute can't wait to hold him!
A. Ruth

Dan and Lynn said...

Thanks for sharing your labour story! For some reason, it's always interesting to hear other stories:). Rylen sure is a cutie, and already looks like his brothers. So glad to see that they love having him as a little bro!