Monday, September 14, 2009

Tristen is 9 Months and Summer update!

Well I have to admit I have lost a zest for my blog with facebook around definitnely contemplated more than once if I should continue it, not to say this is a pity call for those reading this just my own wonder if it pays for me to keep it up. Any how, my Tristy boy was nine months yesterday! Growing like a weed, finally eating solids, starting to bum scoot, and definitley enjoying egging on his brother a bit more:) Not sure if we are going to make it to his first birthday before his official first haircut, his hair is sooo thick and super curly when its wet, but getting a bit long now!
This is often his look, I call him my serious boy, but when he does start smiling or laughing it is all to precious, we just have to work a little harder to get them. He loves to observe and I can't wait to see what his personality will develop into as he grows!
Tristen definitely enjoyed water a lot more than Aiden ever did and spent a lot of time sitting in this baby pool that we have, I made it pretty warm which probably helped but he also enjoyed any of the pools we went to over the summer as well.
All the boys enjoying the summer weather!
Aiden's cousin Kaiwren came for a weekend to our house, with mom and dad, the boys aren't together that much but sure played well together. Kai was being silly sitting in the exersaucer :)
Aiden still claims hes the baby sometimes or gets a bit jealous of all the things Tristen is using that used to be his, he insisted on having his breakfast in the high chair one morning.
The last two weeks in August my nieces and nephew came for two weeks. So fun and Aiden was absolutely spoiled by their attention.
Above: Aiden was very serious about his golf game. Below: my beautiful nieces, Rachel and Alyssa
Enjoying grandmas landscape cart, Alyssa is 8 but she loved playing with Aiden which was awesome, also loved bossing him around, which he didn't mind most of the time.

Grandma and her grandkids.
As of this week Tristen is finally eating solids, he had a really hard time with the cereal, just didn't like it. But I kept giving it to him and now he loves it. The veggies thats another story, strong distaste, would be putting it mildly. I have now realized if I mix some apple sauce in the veggies, he will eat them just fine! Yeah! He also LOVES table food and eats dry toast, cherrios, cheese and is going to have yogurt this week. Definitley loves the sweet stuff as well.

After the two weeks, we travelled with the kids to Banff to meet my brother and sister in law. My mom flew with Tristen, which was great! As you can see we were a little packed in the van, plus we had a car topper! No one complained and it was a great road trip complete with treats, the best part!
We stayed at the Douglas fir resort and chalets. HIghly recommended! It had this huge play place, a water park, tennis courts, small store and awesome little suites with full kitchens.
Daddy and Aiden enjoying the play place.
Of course we took the gondola up the mountain, so beautiful and something I have never done. I really enjoyed it and Banff in general.
Tristen decided to wake up for the ride down.
Crazy boys!
Enjoying one of many beautiful parks in Banff.
We took a boat cruise on Minnewanka Lake.

Enjoying the Upper Hot springs. The water was wonderful!

View from the top.
We took a hike around Johnson Lake, around the WHOLE lake which was really beautiful but not as stroller friendly as we thought.
Brother and sis and family.
Enjoying the last day!

We spent one night in Calgary, did the zoo with just our family, we had a perfect day and Aiden was completely overwhelmed, but definitely enjoyed it! I love the zoo, so it was as me as much as for the kids.
Our 2 nights we spent at Jeff's parents in Three Hills. Aiden of course had Papa wrapped around his little finger and was in his glory playing with Papa. (and Annie their dog)
That rounded off our summer vacation! What a great week!

Usually I kind of dread fall, because we get so busy and Jeff is back into youth and meetings all the time. But this year I have really been looking forward to reconnection with our caregroup, doing the nursery and toddler room at church, decorating my house for fall and looking forward to the changes we hope are coming this year for Jeff. As much as I would love to elaborate on that I will leave it at that, but as the time is right I will share more. I have been working a lot more, mostly nights, so I don't have to worry about daycare and that is working out really well for us. Wishing you all a good start to this new year and whatever busyness this fall brings for your families!


Anthony and Kristi said...

Awww...don't quit your blog! I LOVE IT!! It's not the same as fb, because we get to hear all your stories to go with the pictures! :) I understand though. I haven't blogged in over a month! :) I'll have to do a quick update before we head to the States. I can't believe how big all the kids are getting...time flies!! I hope this fall is a great time for you guys (and not TOO busy!) Love you all and miss you like crazy!

Ruth said...

Thanks for blogging! Love the pictures!

Irene said...

I love being able catch snippets of your life with your handsome boys! thanks for the update.

Yvonne said...

Don't quit your blog. There's something more personable about blogs and I agree with Kristi, we get to hear stories and pictures to go with. Your boys are so cute! Kyra was quite excited to see Aiden in a picture:) She's not really getting how far away Sask is and for a while after you left she would be asking for Aiden to come over or for her to go to his house:) Thanks for updating - keep it up!

Dan and Lynn said...

Great update Joc! Love the pictures of your family - your boys are both getting so big!! Glad to hear you had such a great summer. Hope you have a wonderful fall too!

Trev and Rebekah said...

Isaiah has the same swimming floating thing.

My kiddo hated most of his veggies. But he did enjoy his green beans!

Great pictures

Ana Claudia said...

Your family is so cute!!!