Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tristen is 6 MONTHS!

Well a half a year has passed! Isn't that crazy, Tristen is 6 months old and he just keeps charming us will more and more of his personality! He is a VERY content baby, seldom cries, smiles easily, only laughs for mommy usually, LOVES his brother, and quite the lazy little baby bear. He has rolled over once, has no interest in sitting, but does expend a fair amount of energy in his exersaucer:) The boys usually have a little cuddle with me in the morning in our bed while we watch daddy get ready for work!
Yeah he looks pretty happy, but seconds later he was pretty certain this tummy thing was not his thing!
Aiden enjoyed the parade in Warman this past weekend, with my cousin Michael!
He walked a way with ALOT of candy!

Back to Tristen, I took some 6 month shots of him at the park the other night! He was actually in a fairly cooperative mood- he really doesn't like the camera and will rarely smile, the little turkey!

This one is my favorite!

Funny picture, but definitely shows his "awww" for his brother!
I have mentioned before but I will say it again, I love having 2 boys and I am so hoping that they continue to love each other and be each others best friend- Jeff warns me of the fights to come and I expect that, but I still am looking forward to Tristen being able to play more with Aiden and for them to just enjoy each other's company!
The boys and I are really looking forward to heading to BC for a couple of weeks in July- Aiden has been talking constantly about Auntie Ro za za za, Uncle Ray, Auntie Sam, matchew, rashell and sissa- he can't wait to see you guys!


Leanne said...

Your boys are so cute! I love hearing your comments about two boys, it makes me excited to have two boys!

Hopefully we can see you when you come :)

Yvonne said...

6 months old!? Wow!! I love the very last picture - the expression Tristen has on his face as he looks at his older brother is so adoring! I am so excited for your visit and to finally meet Tristen!!! Sorry for all the exclamation points:) Have a good evening!

Dan and Lynn said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures! Can't believe Tristen is 6 months already - he sure is a cutie!! That's great that the two boys get along so well (until they get old enough to start fighting, of course!).